The Roton Middle PTA is excited to promote school spirit, wellness and raise much needed funds for our Roton Community and enrichment opportunities for our students. Please support our school by making a contribution to our walkathon fundraiser.
On Friday 10/15/21, staff & students will walk a mile on the front field and also enjoy some athletic challenges. We will also bring back the Pie Throwing event with the help of some of our cherished teachers who volunteer their faces. Every student who participates in the walkathon will automatically be entered in a
raffle to receive Pie Throwing tickets:
1st week submission = 3 tickets
2nd week submissions = 2 tickets
3rd week submissions = 1 ticket
We hope that each family will support the walkathon to the best of their ability as our goal is 100% participation. There will be prizes for the homeroom with the highest participation and the homeroom that raises the most amount of money!!
Our top 15-20 fundraisers will win a spot on a VR Game Truck during school hours, where they will enjoy
age-appropriate virtual reality and video games approved by Mr. Singleton. Students will also have the opportunity to receive a R.A.M.S. Golden Ticket for behavioral merit selected by teachers.